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I attended a course there not so long ago and got chatting to a guy attending the same course. They have had many great names leave and apparently the guy running the show there is "completely incompetent" and this has led to many of them wanting to get out. The course I attended was pretty good though.
Looks like I'm not the only one cribbing Craig's Serialization Handler. I recently wrote "The Very Last Configuration Section Handler I'll Ever Need" http://haacked.com/archive/2004/06/25/679.aspx But now I may have to revise it to include some of your stuff. :) Phil
Yeah, cool idea! It would be even better, if I could read the example code... ;-) Blue text on blue background isn't the best choice here.
Jef Newsom
Torsten -- I would apologize, but it is *my* blog, and blue is my favorite color!! No, really, I changed my styles in the typepad console, but apparently it took a while to flush the style changes out to all of the servers. Every misspelling [indiependent?] I slipped in seemed to arrive completely intact within mere seconds, though :)
I'm continually amazed by two things: 1) That this tiny bit of code I tossed off over a year ago is as popular as it is. :) 2) That people continue to find ways to make it cooler. In short, nice job - I like your changes!
I had only one problem with the last config section handler - Craig's original and this one too. It requires that you know the fully-qualified typename at config time. Me being *that* kind of person, I sometimes write quick-n-dirty ASPX pages that include the config type in the code-behind page. Now of course you know that the assembly is dynamically compiled and goofously named, and so there is no way to know the FQ assembly name at config time, to insert in the config file. Agk. Modifying the Create() method allows it to work. Given the just the namespace and Classname, 1. try to load the type from the currently executing assembly 2. try to load from the calling assembly (probably will not work in ASP.NET, in which the calling assembly is System.Web) 3. try loading from the page assembly (this will probably work). 4. try loading from assemblies referenced by the page /// nice. ///

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