Amazon Web Services
Entrepeneurship blah blah blah
Most of this is available via Jeff's blog
Used to work at MS on the VS team.
Amazon 42 million active customer accounts. 7 different countries.
Technology provider, 700K 3rd party sellers
65K amazon web service developers
large associates network
aws- amazon web services product line
ecs - amazon e-commerce service
asin - standard item number
[obligatory sub slides]
'what is a web service' slide
web services let us build "programmable web sites"
decouple data and presentations
creation of a platform to attract software developers
unlock creativity
leverage tech investment
possible for the average developer to control amazon's huge infrastructure to MAKE $$$...
Services provide
product info
seller info
customer created content
shopping cart
Rory asks "When I first looked at this, there were limits to, e.g. the number of comments I could get back. Has this changed?"
Jeff: "... Yes ..."
"If you think what we've done so far is cool, stay tuned."
Spring 2002 - first aws beta
July 2002 - soap and rest service, sdk, basic merchandising [think minimal marketable features]
November 2002 - amazon marketplace support
Quick click support
April 2003 - v3 Seller apis, remote shopping cart, UK site support
July 2003 - Germany and Japan, customized checkout
Spring 2004 - 50K dev
Oct 2004 - ECS 4.0 (no 1, 2, or 3, though)
AWIS 1.0 Beta - alexa web service
Browse Node api - FIRST public announcement of this feature, according to Jeff
Why AWS? Partners want data!!
The screen scrapers were putting a lot of load on the site, and every time the site changed, they broke. [I used that that performance sell in the past - Seems obvious now, but I had to sell it then -- I will try to type it up later]
[slide of marketecture of amazon]
mentions another "you heard it first here" service - the management service
fork off requests in parallel to a host of services, in the best case, all of the services return
SLAs aren't as important in this model, retries may be necessary.
A single url can make a query, take the xml, and style it into a web page.
ECS Data Types and Functions
Based on customer browse and purchase behavior - similarity lookup
Customer content lookup by email address - in the nominal case, no more than you would get on the web page
Segmented data into response groups
multi-operations and batch operations
self describing help
echo back http headers (useful for debugging)
Shows some demos:
Multi-dimensional computer search - Cool MD search with an almost treemap like display with popup display
wwwinkazon - select text on a page and do an amazon search -- Todd, you'd probably like this, think gurunet
some sellers use amazon's pricing & seller info and build algorithms to try to ensure they are on the first page
my pluck - pearches (persistent searches) "Submarines, the official underwater vehicle of the conference"
will create persistent searches and will track individual request differences for the same search to let you know when the results change
Musicplasma - search for any band that we like - flash application written by some french guys (not "natural cut" guys)
cool similarity graph of music (kind of hyperbolic, though I am sure it doesn't violate and Xerox PARC patents :)
Alexa AWIS 1.0 highlights
- access to 100TB of Alexa crawl data
- 4 Billion pages - adding (gulp) 16B more
links pointing in, links pointing out
url info - contact info, physical address, site load speed, adult content flag, etc, etc.
I wonder whether casey chesnut will train his spider to use awis adult content flag (the perv)
10,000/day per subscription - aggregate web services from amazon, imdb, google, gurunet, etc.
Management Service: returns information about other service (meta meta !)
Can get my call stats for individual service calls
browse node api
give browse node id, uses the amazon taxonomy
Developer Site has a "scratch pad" that you can try out.
0525e2pq81dd72twt - first part of Jeff's developer subscription id... heh.
amazon marketplace seller - find books at cheap prices and sell them on amazon - barcode scanner on a phone, and will tell whether the book is worth buying or not it is a good book scout book scout
Ted Neward was stuck with bad weather in LA -- TimE - There's weather in LA? - so no last talk
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