I was rounding out the details on the WS-MetadataExchange implementation I have been working on, and I was hating the way the I have to deal with namespace differences between soap 1.1 and soap 1.2. What a pain in the arse. While searching around for stuff to read on magic with namespaces and xpath, I ran across two posts, where XML goes astray, and Loving and hating XML namespaces. Both are good reads, but there was something else.
Perhaps something better.
Perhaps it is better than Omri Gazzit seeing Death Cab for Cutie. I would wager that it is actually even better than Don Box seeing Richard Cheese, though I am jealous -- haven't seen him in a good while. Derek (of System.Xml fame) used to spin Psychic TV. That takes me back to these crazy high school skater/punk parties that these kids I used to know would put on. Very interesting. Derek, you need to be meet Wensel and talk about music.
Posted by: Graham | 2005.01.03 at 11:01 PM
Posted by: derek | 2005.01.10 at 03:42 PM