Luke Hohmann has a blog. (Finally!!!!) Luke is a very good, very thoughtful guy. If you are doing product management, you owe it to yourself to give him a call and ask about the Innovation Games or the Profit Engine. You ought to if you are doing anything related to software or product development. Don't let the beard scare you away. (heh)
If you do contact him, tell him Jef sent you, and ask him about how his last daughter was born :).
(parenthetically -- note the parentheses -- I am thankful that I met Luke back in '95, because he introduced me to ObjectSpace, where I met my business partner Todd and a ton of other really amazing people (shout outs deserve their own blog altogether), my old bandmates, Dave and Pete, and my good friend, Chris Wensel.
I owe meeting Luke to Russ McClelland, a really good friend who, among other things, gave me a ride to college an incalcuable number of times, played in my first band, opended the door to my first software job, and let me live in his house for a bunch of months while I was getting off the ground. Thanks, Russ. Thanks, Luke. Group hug.)