Spoke too soon -- I am realizing that there are a lot of things I really want from the SQL Server management tools. I want to capture these thoughts while my threshold is still high and I am not lulled into complacency. I am going to update this in place, so I apologize for violating blog ettiquette a bit. P.S. If the in place editing is annoying in some way, please let me know.
- Script dependent objects while viewing dependencies - there is an option from the dependencies screen, but it is disabled.
- Sort/Filter dependencies by type (i.e. only view stored procedures).
- Database refactorings.
- Extract table - create data migration script, repair FKs as necessary, update dependent SPs, views, functions, etc.
- From the dependencies window, I ought to be able to navigate to a dependent or depended upon object. This one seems so obvious it hurts.
- Multiselect in the dependency view, right-click, generate script, etc.
- On the Generate Script wizard, when scripting to a file, create directories if they do not exist.
- On the Generate Script wizard, remember the options I last selected. I imagine that this is a systemic problem, although I don't know yet.
- This seems like a bug: Generate Script again. I want to select a single table and generate a script for the table and all of its dependencies of type SP, View, Function. If I select all of those types as the objects I want to script, I *must* choose one of each. If I only select tables as the type I want to script, then select my single table, only that table and dependent tables get scripted. No SPs. No functions. No roast beast.
- Generate Script: The depencies that get scripted should be the same dependencies that get displayed in the dependencies view. Argh.
- Generate Script: add an option to recurse dependencies.
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