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Todd Girvin
Well, I finally made it on the last flight to Toronto and got to my hotel at about 2:00a. The conference seemed really good, though I don't know if having a booth there was worth the cost and effort. Most people going to that conference have already adopted Agile methods and are looking for tools or fun new techniques. But, it's a great place to rub elbows with thought leaders. Don and Rod from Improving did a great job with their sessions and got invited to do a repeat of each. I had fun being a booth babe and meeting some really nice people from around the world. Most of all, I had fun hanging with coworkers and making new friends.
Hi Todd, We met at Agile 2008. I made this post soon after (http://www.diyphotography.net/drinking-beer-out-snooting-in). I'd be grateful if you contacted me for a quick marketing question. mail is udijw at yahoo dot com thanks, udi

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